Hymns of Faith is a one-hour time of worship. It features 20 popular hymns, arranged in a variety of styles, on solo piano. Lyrics are projected on a screen, if members of the congregation wish to sing along. In addition, the history of each hymn is presented, as well as corresponding Scriptures for meditation.

Hymns of Faith is presented without any payment or compensation required.

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The Hymns of Faith Experience has been on my heart for many years now. I grew up in a small, Methodist church, and we sang several hymns every Sunday. As a young child, I loved singing out those hymns. I loved the lyrics (even the ones I did not understand!) and the sound of the piano and organ playing together. When I was old enough and able to accompany the congregation on piano, I so enjoyed my practice time, figuring out the new songs, and learning how the harmonies are put together. I discovered playing and singing hymns is a powerful avenue to connect with the Lord.

For decades now, I have been attending and playing at churches that primarily sing worship choruses, and the very occasional hymn. Do not misunderstand; I love this music as well! However, I often find myself missing the comforting melodies and eloquent lyrics contained in the compelling hymns of our heritage. Often, when I have played hymns for specials such as an offeratory or wedding prelude, people comment that they have forgotten about a certain hymn, and were delighted to hear it again.

The Hymns of Faith Experience provides an avenue in which to acquaint or re-acquaint yourself with beloved hymns, especially if you attend a church that leans more toward modern worship choruses. Perhaps Hymns of Faith will serve to introduce younger church attendees to the rich tradition of our sacred musical heritage.

Another reason for my desire to present the Hymns of Faith Experience is contained in Psalm 46:10: "Be still and know that I am God." Be still.

I am sure all of us could pridefully compete with each other in describing our busy schedules or comparing our "to-do lists." Unless we plan to do so, we are never still. However, if we do not stop daily and purposely listen, how will we ever hear the voice of God?

My hope for the Hymns of Faith Experience is to provide an intentional time of meditation and reflection. A time to be still and connect with our Creator.